Aug 17, 2022サマー・イン・1989Updated: Dec 4, 2022A man who walks on his head, ladies and gentlemen, a man who walks on his head sees the sky below, as an abyss.——Paul Celan旋天每是步深淵。季夏雲中聞暮蟬。此去一千零一夢。相看三十又三年。鎖村因懼風塗病。避世猶思試驗田。奉石循環無限恨。始知有限更徒然。
A man who walks on his head, ladies and gentlemen, a man who walks on his head sees the sky below, as an abyss.——Paul Celan旋天每是步深淵。季夏雲中聞暮蟬。此去一千零一夢。相看三十又三年。鎖村因懼風塗病。避世猶思試驗田。奉石循環無限恨。始知有限更徒然。